home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- G4C;PlayINFO by Richard Kapp 1999 ; MUST BE IN THE FIRST(!) LINE
- WINBIG 0 0 361 227 "MOD INFO"
- wintype 11110000
- WINFONT topaz_thin.font 8 000
- xonload
- templ = no
- unit = 0
- loadimage PLAYGUI:SYS/book.iff info Workbench
- guiopen PlayInfo
- image 0 0 info
- xonclose
- freeimage book
- guiquit PlayInfo
- XMenu 'File' 'Load comment' '' ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -30 'Choose file :' LOAD filename ''
- if $filename > ''
- lvuse PlayInfo 1
- lvchange $filename
- ; now save it so as to write it to the clipboard
- lvsave 'CLIPS:$unit'
- endif
- XMenu 'File' 'Save comment' '' ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -30 'Save as file :' SAVE savename ''
- if $savename > ' '
- ifexists file $savename
- ezreq 'File $savename exists.\nOverwrite ?' Overwrite|CANCEL choice
- if $choice = 0
- stop
- endif
- endif
- lvsave $savename
- endif
- XMenu 'File' 'Close' '' ''
- freeimage book
- guiquit PlayInfo
- XMenu 'Options' 'Edit comment' '' ''
- if $templ = no
- CLI 'C:copy PlayGUI:SYS/template.txt ram:t'
- CLI 'C:run >NIL: C:ed ram:t/template.txt'
- templ = yes
- elseif $templ = yes
- CLI 'C:run >NIL: C:ed ram:t/template.txt'
- endif
- XMenu 'Options' 'Clear comment' '' ''
- lvuse PlayInfo 1
- lvclear
- lvsave 'CLIPS:$unit'
- XMenu 'Options' 'Help' '' ''
- EZReq "You can write and edit your info via ED and view, save and load it here." "AHA" helpy
- xBUTTON 240 180 60 15 "OKAY"
- freeimage book
- guiquit PlayInfo
- XBUTTON 214 8 20 15 ">"
- ++unit
- gosub PlayInfo changeunit
- XBUTTON 190 8 20 15 "<"
- --unit
- gosub PlayInfo changeunit
- XTEXTIN 310 8 38 14 "" unit '0' 10
- gadid 2
- gosub PlayInfo changeunit
- xRoutine ChangeUnit
- ; make sure the unit is 0-255
- if $unit > 255
- unit = 0
- elseif $unit < 0
- unit = 255
- endif
- lvuse PlayInfo 1
- lvchange "CLIPS:$unit"
- update PlayInfo 2 $unit
- xBUTTON 240 50 60 15 "LOAD"
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -30 'Choose file :' LOAD filename ''
- if $filename > ''
- lvuse PlayInfo 1
- lvchange $filename
- ; now save it so as to write it to the clipboard
- lvsave 'CLIPS:$unit'
- endif
- xBUTTON 240 70 60 15 "SAVE"
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -30 'Save as file :' SAVE savename ''
- if $savename > ' '
- ifexists file $savename
- ezreq 'File $savename exists.\nOverwrite ?' Overwrite|CANCEL choice
- if $choice = 0
- stop
- endif
- endif
- lvsave $savename
- endif
- XBUTTON 240 90 60 15 "CLEAR"
- lvuse PlayInfo 1
- lvclear
- lvsave 'CLIPS:$unit'
- XLISTVIEW 13 40 145 170 "" clipline CLIPS:0 10 NUM
- gadid 1
- xBUTTON 240 110 60 15 "EDIT"
- if $templ = no
- CLI 'C:copy PlayGUI:SYS/template.txt ram:t'
- CLI 'C:run >NIL: C:ed ram:t/template.txt'
- templ = yes
- elseif $templ = yes
- CLI 'C:run >NIL: C:ed ram:t/template.txt'
- endif
- xBUTTON 240 130 60 15 "HELP"
- EZReq "You can write and edit your info via ED and view, save and load it here." "AHA" helpy